Embracing AI Governance: How Strative Enables Responsible Enterprise Adoption


The rise of generative AI has captured the world's imagination with its transformative potential. However, this breakthrough technology also introduces new risks and challenges that require a thoughtful approach to governance. To foster a trusted AI ecosystem, the Infocomm Media Development Authority of Singapore (IMDA) recently released the Model AI Governance Framework for Generative AI. This comprehensive framework provides a balanced approach to address key concerns while facilitating innovation.

Strative implements AI governance through its three products - Strative Connect, Strative Insight, and Strative Fusion - which work together to enable secure, compliant, and optimized deployment, management, and continuous improvement of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) solutions in enterprise environments.

The Model AI Governance Framework covers nine critical dimensions:

Accountability Allocating responsibility based on level of control to incentivize responsible behavior
Data Ensuring data quality and addressing potentially contentious training data pragmatically
Trusted Development and Deployment Enhancing transparency around safety measures based on industry best practices
Incident Reporting Implementing systems for timely notification, remediation and continuous improvement
Testing and Assurance Providing external validation through third-party testing and common standards
Security Adapting security frameworks and developing new tools to address AI-specific threats
Content Provenance Using digital watermarking and cryptographic provenance to enable informed content consumption
Safety and Alignment R&D Accelerating research to improve model alignment and control as capabilities grow
AI for Public Good Democratizing access, improving public services, upskilling workers and developing AI sustainably

The nine dimensions of the IMDA AI Governance framework defined

These nine dimensions can be thought of as layers of a comprehensive governance framework: At the foundation is ensuring AI benefits the public good by democratizing access, improving public sector adoption, upskilling workers and developing AI sustainably. Building upon that, R&D should be accelerated through global cooperation among AI safety institutes to align AI development with human values and intentions. Proactive threat detection and mitigation is essential, using generative AI models to anticipate and address security risks. Transparency about AI systems' provenance is important as well, so end-users understand where content and signals originate from. Rigorous testing, validation and the development of common AI testing standards and best practices provides assurance and builds trust. When incidents do occur, timely notification, remediation and continuous improvement processes must be in place, as no AI system is foolproof. Trusted development and deployment practices that ensure transparency around baseline safety and hygiene measures are key to prevent such incidents. To complement such practices, data quality and addressing potentially contentious data issues in AI training data must be a priority. And tying it all together is accountability - putting the right incentive structures in place for AI system developers to act responsibly toward end users throughout the AI lifecycle.

The nine dimensions of the Model AI Governance Framework. [Source: imda.gov.sg]

Let's dive deeper into each of these dimensions and explore how Strative's platform enables enterprises to put them into practice.

1. Accountability

Executives, developers, and risk managers bear various levels of AI accountability and have responsibility for risk levers like access controls, audit logs, and insurance on the Strative platform.

Accountability is foundational to responsible AI adoption. The framework recommends allocating responsibility based on each stakeholder's level of control in the AI development chain. This provides clarity upfront and aligns incentives for responsible behavior.

Strative's platform has robust access controls, audit trails and explanations built in. This allows enterprises to implement clear accountability structures and processes tailored to their unique context. We also recommend indemnity and insurance considerations to further protect end-users.

2. Data

The Strative data management interface provides features for data integration, quality assurance, anonymization, and secure sharing with clear guidance and intuitive controls.

Data is the lifeblood of AI development. The IMDA framework emphasizes the importance of data quality and provides guidance on contentious issues like using personal data and copyrighted material for training. It also highlights the value of curating representative datasets to improve model performance and mitigate bias.

Strative's data management capabilities allow enterprises to implement strong data governance aligned with these principles. Our platform enables seamless integration with trusted data sources, automated data quality checks, and responsible usage of techniques like data anonymization. We also facilitate secure data sharing to expand access to high-quality training data.

3. Trusted Development and Deployment

An example of an AI model card generated by the Strative platform with sections on model details, training data, evaluation results, safety measures, limitations, and intended use, presented in a clear, standardized format.

Transparency around safety and hygiene measures undertaken during AI development is crucial for building trust. The IMDA framework calls for the industry to coalesce around development and evaluation best practices, and to provide meaningful disclosure to users, akin to food labels.

Strative empowers enterprises to implement rigorous development processes and automatically generate transparent model cards and factsheets. This includes information on source data, evaluation results, safety mitigations, known limitations, and intended use. Our platform also supports emerging best practices like red teaming and bias testing.

These key publications inform current thinking on AI development and transparency:

4. Incident Reporting

The Strative RAG Enablement platform automatically collects telemetry from the deployed GenAI pipeline, analyzes the telemetry and identifies any “Critical Issues”. These issues are then surfaced to the Strative administrator in the Strative Insights interface. The Strative “Critical Issues” capability facilitates AI incident detection, triage, investigation, mitigation, and reporting.

Even with robust safeguards, AI incidents can occur. Having clear processes for timely notification, remediation, and continuous improvement is essential. The IMDA framework recommends establishing AI incident reporting structures akin to cybersecurity information sharing centers.

Strative provides integrated tools for monitoring AI systems, detecting critical issues, and managing incidents. Our platform streamlines collaboration between AI, IT, and risk teams to enable rapid response. We also facilitate responsible information sharing with relevant authorities and industry bodies to drive collective learning and improvement.

5. Testing and Assurance

Enterprises in compliance-regulated industries use various third-party AI testing tools, auditing firms, standards bodies, and accreditation authorities, to form robust AI assurance networks.

Independent, third-party testing and assurance play a vital role in validating AI safety and building public trust. The IMDA framework emphasizes the need for common testing standards and accreditation mechanisms for AI auditors.

Strative is committed to advancing the AI assurance ecosystem. Our platform supports seamless integration with leading testing tools and service providers. We also welcome the development of AI audit standards through industry and multi-stakeholder initiatives.

For an overview of emerging trends and challenges in AI testing and assurance, see: Advancing AI Audits for Enhanced AI Governance.

6. Security

Key AI security threats include data poisoning, model inversion, and adversarial attacks. Mitigation strategies enabled by the Strative platform include input validation, runtime monitoring, and secure enclaves.

AI introduces new security risks beyond traditional software vulnerabilities. Tailored threat modeling, secure development practices, and novel testing tools are needed to address AI-specific threats like data poisoning and model stealing.

Strative empowers enterprises to embed security across the AI development lifecycle. Our platform provides secure coding guidelines, automated vulnerability scanning, and integration with leading AI security tools. We also enable granular access management and data protection to mitigate risks.

7. Content Provenance

When data is retrieved via RAG pipelines and provided to GenAI applications it should be traceable and metadata should be recorded to ensure content provenance is available.

The proliferation of synthetic media powered by generative AI has made content provenance a critical issue. Technical solutions like digital watermarking and cryptographic provenance are needed to help end-users make informed decisions about the origin and authenticity of online content.

Strative supports the responsible adoption of content provenance techniques. Our platform allows enterprises to embed provenance metadata into AI-generated content. We also provide user-friendly tools for verifying content authenticity and tracing its origins.

8. Safety and Alignment R&D

To ensure AI safety and alignment AI safety research institutes collaborate and network across regions and organizational boundaries.

As AI capabilities grow, so do the potential risks. Sustained investment in research to improve AI safety and alignment with human values is crucial. The IMDA framework calls for global cooperation among AI safety research institutes to optimize resources and accelerate progress.

Strative is dedicated to advancing the state of the art in AI safety. We collaborate with experts and industry partners to develop and deploy effective techniques for AI safety, robustness, and interpretability. Our platform allows enterprises to easily integrate and benefit from the latest safety innovations.

A comprehensive survey of current AI alignment research directions can be found in AI Alignment: A Comprehensive Survey.

9. AI for Public Good

At Strative we are committed to help people benefit from AI-powered services in areas like financial services, healthcare, and across other compliance-regulated industries.

Ultimately, responsible AI is about harnessing technology to benefit society. The framework emphasizes the importance of democratizing AI access, improving public services, upskilling workers, and developing AI sustainably.

Strative is committed to enabling enterprises to use AI for social good. Our platform provides tools and resources to support inclusive AI development, explainable interfaces, and ethical deployment.

The newly proposed Model AI Governance Framework for Generative AI provides a comprehensive roadmap for fostering a trusted AI ecosystem. By embracing these principles and partnering with experienced providers like Strative, enterprises can harness the full potential of generative AI while navigating the unique challenges of governance in an ever-evolving technology landscape.
